The Only Guide You Need to Picking that Perfect Mattress that Takes you to Dreamland

The Only Guide You Need to Picking that Perfect Mattress that Takes you to Dreamland

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Losing sleep over choosing a new mattress? Check out this definitive mattress selection guide from Samrat Interiors, and sleep like a baby at night!

Firstly, how do you know that you need a new mattress?

How do you determine that it’s time to replace your current mattress? Here are some signs to look for: if you (and your partner) wake up restless at night, or feel aches and pains in the morning, or simply don’t feel rested even after adequate hours of sleeping- then your mattress may be to blame.

The general rule of thumb is to replace a mattress after its 8 years old. However, remember this number is just an approximate figure, and some good quality mattresses last for 12 – 15 years or even more. It all depends on the type of mattress you have and the brand.

Ok, now coming to the next big question,

What type of mattress should I choose?

There’s no right and wrong mattress. It all depends on personal preferences – some people sleep better on a firm mattress, while others prefer soft beds. To simplify your research, here we list, some of the common types and features of mattresses in India, helping you choose the right one.

● Memory Foam – Known for great support, body contouring and pressure relief, these mattresses are made from layers of memory foam and supporting foam.
o Ideal for – Sleepers who want support and want to feel snug.

o Popular Brands – Wakefit

● Latex Mattresses – These mattresses are made using latex foam and offer great bounce, cooling, and superior comfort.
o Ideal for – Sleepers who want the support of foam, but don’t want the hug and contour of memory foam.

o Popular Brands – Spring Air, Refresh Mattress

● Coil Mattresses – This is one of the oldest yet still widely used mattress types. These mattresses have layers of spring coils made of steel that offer good support. With advances in mattress technology, the type and layers of coils change, meaning you don’t have to remember the poky coils of yesteryears.
o Ideal for – Sleepers who want strong support and great bounce

o Popular Brands – King Koil

● Pillow Top Mattress – This mattress could be of any type – memory, latex, coil, etc. It has an additional soft pillow layer that is sewn on top, adding extra cushion-like comfort.
o Ideal for – Sleepers who want cloud-like support and comfort.

o Popular Brands – Kurl-on

● Hybrid Mattresses – As the name implies, this type of mattresses is made from a combination of memory foam, latex foams, coils, and other materials.
o Ideal for – Sleepers who want the best of all the types of mattresses. It’s a good all-round option that works well for the majority of sleepers.

o Popular Brands – King Koil, Spring Air, Refresh Mattress

What’s the Right Price for a Mattress?

The pricing depends on several factors like – the size of the mattress, the quality, brand value, type of mattress, and more. With that said, do not go in for ultra-cheap mattresses, because you are likely to replace them quicker compared to higher-quality mattresses.

What’s your Sleeping Position?

Everyone has a unique sleeping position – on the back, on the stomach, on the sides, a bit of each. When shopping for a mattress, you have to consider your predominant sleeping position to choose the right firmness level that works for you. Here’s a quick guide to choosing the right mattress firmness levels based on sleeping positions:

● For side sleepers – People who sleep on their side are prone to keep on shifting positions throughout the night. They are likely to flex and unflex their legs, twisting and turning from one side to another. Choosing a soft to medium-firm mattress, (think 3 to 6, on a scale of 10, where 10 is the most firm) will help to relieve pressure points on the back and neck.
● For back sleepers – Back sleepers require mattresses that provide support and offer firmness. Choosing a very soft mattress does not offer the needed support for your back and spine, which could lead to back problems. Choose a mattress with firmness levels from 4 to 7, on a scale of 10.
● Stomach sleepers – If you are a stomach sleeper, then you need a mattress that provides adequate support for your torso and the entire body. Look for mattresses with firmness levels ranging from 5 to 7, on a scale of 10.

Finally, Do the Snooze Test at the Store

While e-commerce shopping has grown in popularity, we highly recommend that you visit a physical store for mattress shopping. Leading mattress retailers stock a wide range of mattress brands and types for a particular reason – this helps customers sit, lie down, and feel different mattresses to choose what they need and identify their preferences.

Don’t go mattress shopping in a rush. Ensure that you have plenty of time. We urge you to let go of your shyness, kick off your shoes, and lie down in different mattresses. Spend at least 5 to 10 minutes on each mattress to pick the right one that offers you support and comfort.

Remember, that a mattress is an investment that could very well last over a decade if done right. So, make sure you spend some time, speak with the salesperson, understand the pros and cons of different brands, and make the right choice to enjoy long nights of deep zzzzzzzzssss!.

And, if you are in Gurgaon, we invite you to step into our massive furniture and home furnishings showroom in Gurgaon, try out our wide range of mattresses and pick the best one that suits you, at the most affordable prices.

Happy snoozing!

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