Frequently asked Question about Modular Wardrobe you should know

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Our customers and readers constantly ask us number of things regarding the wardrobes.
Right from customized wardrobes to freestanding wardrobes (the readymade wardrobes that are off-the-shelf purchases) which do not provide you the choice of customizing.
Though wardrobe not being the centerpiece of your room, wardrobes are a crucial component of your home furniture. And, finding the right wardrobe – style, design, and size – that suits all your storage needs is a bigger challenge than you imagine.
So, today we have decided to answer all the questions regarding wardrobe via this post to help everyone!
Moreover, we are always here to answer / guide you personally in case you are interested in our service.

How to choose the right laminate for a modular wardrobe?

The laminate is the material that is used for the exteriors of your modular wardrobe. It made by sandwiching several layers of wood or resin-coated thick brown paper. There is a wide range of laminates used for wardrobes based on the finish.
Choosing the right laminate plays a crucial part in ensuring that your wardrobe lasts for years to come, without any defects. You have to choose the laminate based on the functionality and usage of your wardrobe.
Here, we give you some of the popular laminate choices so that you can choose the right one based on your requirements.

1: Super gloss finish
As the name implies, this laminate has a highly glossy finish similar to that of a mirror. Sleep and shiny, the functionality and performance of this laminate is 2x that of the normal glass laminate. It’s a highly stylish design and is suitable for all bedroom wardrobes.

2: Gloss finish
This laminate gives a luxurious look, as there are no textures on the surface. It’s shiny and is available in a range of colors and patterns.

3: Grained finish
This laminate has very fine textures that resemble hardwood. It’s mostly available in wooden colors. Unlike hardwood that is difficult to install and is expensive, grained finish mimics the appearance of wood for a fraction of the price.

4: Linewood finish
This is similar to grained finish. However, it has fine lines on the surface, and hence the name. It’s versatile and is available in a wide range of colors.

5: Mid Grain finish
In this laminate, the direction of the texture is parallel to the wood grain. This is a great alternative for people who don’t like traditional wood patterns.

6: Semi-Matte finish
Also known as soft matte, this finish is soft and clean. It doesn’t have much of shine and is available in bright colors. It’s a perfect choice for people who have a traditional home design.

7: Matte finish
It’s completely lusterless and not at all shiny. It’s a perfect choice for people who have kids and pets in the house as this finish is scratch resistant. It’s highly durable and requires minimal maintenance.

These are the popular types of laminates used for modular wardrobes. You can choose whichever laminate that meets your design requirements and storage needs.

Which laminate is best for wardrobes?

There’s no single laminate that we can recommend as the best choice for modular wardrobes in Gurgaon. It all depends on your specific requirements.
For instance, if you want a contemporary look for your home, then you can opt for glossy or super glossy laminates.
However, glossy laminates is a fingerprint magnet and may not be the best choice for modular wardrobes for your kids’ bedrooms. For kids rooms, you can opt for a matte finish.
As you see, it all depends on your requirements and home interior style.
If you are in Gurgaon or nearby area and want to talk with our expert designers, get in touch by calling us on 9540 999 449 or simply fill the below form and we will get in touch with you.
At Samrat Interiors, we are determined to help you make the best decision for all your interior designing needs.

How much plywood do I need for a wardrobe?

Finding the amount of plywood that you require for your planned wardrobe may feel overwhelming. But, with the right tools, you can easily calculate it.
Start by finding the area that needs to be covered with the plywood. The area is calculated by multiplying the length and width of the space in feet.
When it comes to a modular wardrobe, you have to calculate the overall area of the wardrobe. Start by measuring the length of the wardrobe and then the width for each side.
Multiply these two measurements to get the area of the plywood needed for side 1. Now repeat this for the other 3 sides. The front and back will have the same area.
Similarly, the left and right side will have the same area. Now add all these 4 areas to get the amount of plywood needed for the exteriors of your wardrobe. Then, you have to calculate the area of plywood needed for each shelf. For this, you have to measure the length and breadth of each shelf.
Add all these areas together to get the total square footage of plywood needed for your wardrobe. Then you have to find the size of the plywood sheets available with your vendor.
For instance, let’s say your vendor supplies plywood sheets in dimension 4 x 8 ft. The area of this sheet is 32 ft2.
The total area you have calculated is 800 ft2. Then, 800 / 32 = 25. You require 25 sheets of plywood for your wardrobe.

How to calculate modular wardrobe cost?

To calculate the cost of your wardrobe, you have to calculate the area of your wardrobe, as mentioned above. Once you have calculated the total square footage of your wardrobe, the next step is to calculate the costs of materials needed for this area.
Multiply the square footage with the cost of one unit of material to get the total material cost for your wardrobe. Next, you have to factor in the installation and labour costs to get the overall cost of the modular wardrobe you are designing.
Most modular wardrobe makers give you an estimate of the cost when you provide them with the required dimensions and your preferred material choice. Use these estimates to get an idea of the budget you require.

How to calculate sq ft of a wardrobe?

Knowing the square feet of space available to install your wardrobe is essential. This helps you purchase the correct amount of materials and plan the budget costs for your cabinets. You can easily find the square feet of the wardrobe by performing a few simple calculations.

Step 1: Measure the space available in the room where you will be installing the cabinet. You can even do a simple sketch of the room to give you a better idea.

Step 2: Measure the width and height of the area where you want to install the wardrobe.

Step 3: Write down these measurements in your sketch.

Step 4: Multiply these measurements (width and height) to get the square feet of your wardrobe.

For example, let’s say you have a wall space that is 6 feet wide and 5 feet high. Then the square feet of the wardrobe that can be installed in this area is 30 square feet.

Which wardrobe is the best?

Modular wardrobes have emerged as the number one choice for customers today thanks to their versatility and functionality. Modular wardrobes offer maximum storage and customized shelves that are designed according to your storage needs.
For instance, if you want a pull-out drawer to store your accessories like ties, scarves, and belts, you can include it in the design. There are no fixed styles. It all depends on what you need and how you need it.
Automatic light sensors, sliding doors, attached mirrors, mini dressing tables, coloured glass – are some of the latest trends in modular wardrobe design in Gurgaon. The best part – it’s quite easy to maintain modular wardrobes.
So, undoubtedly, modular wardrobes are the perfect choice for all homes, as they are customized to meet specific needs.
Also, don’t forget to checkout Samrat Interiors Latest wardrobe designs for bedroom


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